>>> Healthcare & Sports

Our vision on the sectors

The Dutch healthcare sector is completely in development. Covid, an aging population, staff shortage, the rise of e-health and increasing costs: the healthcare system is faced with huge challenges.

And also, in the sector of sports times are changing in The Netherlands. Sports associations are worrying about decreasing memberships and the gap between professional and amateur sports is increasing.

In both Healthcare and sports, flexibility is more than ever required in order to maintain a healthy organisation.

Our Clients

Lupacompany offers services to clients who operate in healthcare and sports: health advisors, fitness coaches, psychiatrists, therapists, general practitioners, and healthcare centres are amongst our clients. Lupacompany works for big and smaller parties: we support freelancers to partnerships, profit based companies to non-profit organisations.

Our services

Lupacompany combines strategy development with financial management and legal advice. In other words: we offer a series of different services in a multidisciplinary way. Because of our combination of expertise, we are able to give fast, complete and multi-levelled answers to the questions and needs of our clients. Our professionals do this in a passionate, thorough, and well substantiated manner.

This is what we offer

  • Administrative- and fiscal services
  • Financial management
  • Legal services
  • Financing- and subsidy applications
  • Strategic- and business development
  • Staff- and salary administration

Lupacompany in practice

The people at Lupacompany have many years of experience in the healthcare and sports branch. We, for example, wrote financial applications for a general practise so that it was able to buy a business space. We’ve arranged the leasing of medical equipment and the financing of renovations.

Also, we have outlined the policy development plans for several healthcare professionals as well as health centres, we developed strategies for the sales of a care practise, for temporary rental and for cooperation. Furthermore, we are experienced with the development of organisational vision and HR policies. We wrote a successful application for the subsidizing of €300.000 for three years of an e-health innovation project. In the sector of healthcare and sports we arranged the tax declarations and returns, wrote yearly financial statements, and founded private limited companies. On behave of care professionals and organisations Lupacompany has contracted insurance companies and does the contract negotiations with (new) employees. Frequently we draw up labour contracts, rental and purchase agreements and other paperwork for our clients.